Click Here for our Sunday Mass Schedule
Click Here for our Wednesday Mass and Program Schedule
Click Here for upcoming events
Click Here to know what to expect on your first visit.
St. Columba’s is a welcoming, compassionate community dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in transforming and life-giving ways. Our worship is rich and uplifting, enhanced by a superb music program. Mission and witness are central to who we are, so we offer a myriad of opportunities for all ages to grow in faith and serve those in need locally and around the world. It is our hope you will find here spiritual nourishment, supportive fellowship and opportunities to serve in Christ's name. Our mission is “to be a holy place where love is found, where all are named, and where hearts are freed to change the world.” All are welcome at St Columba’s and we invite you to worship with us, grow in your faith, and serve those in need with the love and hope given to us by Jesus.
May God bless you and those you love!
Weekly Worship Schedule
8.00 am - Rite I Mass (chapel) - begins 11/3
10:30 am - Choral Mass
Wednesdays In Lent
6:30 pm - Low Mass & Stations of the Cross
7.15 pm - Dinner & Program
8.15 pm - Compline (Chapel)
Third Sundays
On the 3rd Sunday of each month, we suspend our Sunday School classes and have a parish-wide breakfast prepared by our very own Knight of Columba men’s ministry. All are welcome ($3 per person, $10 max per family).
Third Sundays, 9.00- 10.30 am
Sunday Mornings, 10:30 am
The livestream recordings remain online for 30-days, and can be viewed anytime.