“An ancient faith for a modern world.”
Ancient traditions, powerfully meaningful today.
Wherever you are in your faith, wherever you are in your life, there is a place for you at St Columba’s.
Worship Schedule
8.00 am - Rite I Mass (beginning 11/3)
9.30 am - Sunday School (Sept-May)
10.30 am - Choral Mass
Wednesdays (Sept-May)
6.45 pm - Vesper Prayer
7.15 pm - Dinner & Program
8.15 pm - Compline
Our 8.00 Mass is an abbreviated “low Mass,” meaning it is a said Mass with no music. It uses the Rite I (traditional language) text and lasts about 25 minutes. This Mass is held in the chapel.
Our 10.30 Mass is a sung High Mass, featuring our parish choir, a fully sung liturgy, and incense.
On Wednesdays during the school year, we have a contemplative, said Mass in the Chapel at 6.45 pm and Compline (or night prayer) at 8.15pm. During Lent, the 6:45 pm liturgy is Stations of the Cross.
Our Sunday 10.30 am Mass is also streamed live to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@saintcolumba30024/streams
Christian formation for all ages is offered each Sunday during the school year (September-May) from 9:30-10:15 am. Sunday school does not meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month (so all can attend the 3rd Sunday parish breakfast).
Anglican and Episcopal
You Are Welcome Here!
The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, which is the second largest Christian denomination in the world. The heart of who we are as Anglicans / Episcopalians is growing in our relationship with Jesus, which is clearly seen in our devotional life. Everything we practice is for the sake of knowing Jesus and his gospel better, and then sharing that with the world. Our parish mission statement is our reminder that all that we do together is to help us be a “holy place where love is found, where all are named, and where hearts are set free to change the world.” We believe that is best done by centering our life together around our Eucharistic life (Sunday morning Mass) and a commitment to a life of prayer and service.
We are one of two Anglo-Catholic parishes in the Diocese of Atlanta. That simply means that as we express our Anglican / Episcopal Christian faith, we focus heavily on the deep, rich liturgical and sacramental traditions of the church. “An ancient faith for the modern world,” is a phrase often used to describe not only our worship but our deep belief that the way we worship and the faith that worship produces can and will absolutely change the world. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is well known for his call for all Christians and especially Episcopalians to ‘love like Jesus.’ So our life on Sunday mornings strives to inspire us to love in the way we were first loved by God: deeply, unconditionally, recklessly with abandon, and sacrificially in serving those in need.
Worship With Us This Sunday
The primary activity in our life together can be seen in our worship together on Sunday mornings. We have two liturgies on Sunday mornings. The early Mass (8.00 am) is often called “low Mass” because it’s a simpler ritual that is said not sung and doesn’t include choir, chanting, or incense. This liturgy is held in the chapel and has about 15 people in attendance. It follows the “Rite I” liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer, which is the older form of our liturgy that uses traditional (Elizabethan) language and is most like earlier liturgies around the Anglican Communion.
The principal Mass on Sundays (10.30 am) is often called “high Mass” because it uses more ritual and is a fully sung liturgy with incense. The St Columba Choir sings at this Mass. The liturgy is in contemporary language (Rite II) and includes choral anthems and more ceremonial. This liturgy lasts approximately one hour. This liturgy is where our identity as an Anglo-Catholic parish can best be seen.
Fellowship follows each Mass on Sundays and is a great way to get to know other members of the parish, speak with one of our parish priests, and experience the “radical hospitality” that lies at our core.
“The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always.”
The Book of Common Prayer, p 339.