Worship Ministries
There are many ways to get involved at St Columba’s. None of those are more central than the ministries that support our parish core, our worship life. Please consider joining one of the many guilds and fellowship ministries that help us live into our parish mission of being “a holy place where love is found, and all are named ....”
Acolytes assist at the 10.30 Sunday Mass, as well as at other special services, weddings, and funerals throughout the year. Acolytes carry the processional cross and torches, and they also assist the priest in preparing the Altar for Communion. In addition, high school and adult acolytes also serve as thurifer (carrying incense) at High Masses. The Rota (schedule) is an online self-sign up, so acolytes serve as often as they would like. Training is provided at the start of each school year, as well as individually when a new acolyte begins.
The Altar Guild prepares the Altar and nave for our Sunday and weekday liturgies, care for the vestments and altar linens, and provide a community of prayer and support behind our worship life. The Guild’s ministry is vital to our parish life and Guild members will attest to the rewards each receive from attending to our altar preparing it for worship. Members serve in teams of 5-8, with each team serving one week each month. The Guild is open to all adult members of the parish (women and men), and training is provided for all those who would like to join this ministry and/or who wish to learn more as they discern a call to the Altar Guild.
Chalice bearers assist at the Altar on Sunday mornings serving a chalice during Holy Communion. Like most of our worship ministries, the Rota is online, so members serve at the times and Sundays that work with their own schedules. To serve as a chalice bearer, members need only be confirmed members of the Episcopal Church, and training is provided. Often chalice bearers will also serve as a lector on the Sundays they are scheduled as chalice bearers.
The St. Columba’s Choir sings each week at the 10.30 am Mass from the Feast of the Assumption in mid-August through the Feast of St Columba (9th June). The choir rehearses each Thursday evening at 7:00 pm and again on Sunday mornings before Mass. Occasionally, the choir sings the office of Solemn Evensong and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The choir also serves as a vital part of other celebrations of the year, from the All-Souls’ Requiem, to the joyous Solemn Mass of the Nativity, and the Sacred Triduum and Easter. Our choir warmly welcomes new singers of all voice parts. You do not need a trained voice or previous experience with a choir—we help you gain all the skills you need.
Coffee Hosts make up an integral part of our Sunday morning hospitality ministry. Working in teams, volunteers set up the coffee station, as well as juice and pastries and refresh as needed throughout the morning. Often the teams divide up Sunday morning so half of the team does the set up and covers the first Mass and the other half of the team covers the second Mass and cleans up. Each team serves one Sunday a month. The coffee ministry provides a great way to meet fellow parishioners and for visitors and newcomers to get a good sense of what St Columba’s is like. Pour a second cup and consider being part of this important welcoming ministry!
Eucharistic Visitors are adult members of the parish who volunteer to take Holy Communion to our hospitalized or homebound parishioners who are unable to come to church. This is a specialized ministry and training is provided. Once the training has been completed, volunteers are licensed by the Bishop to extend our sacramental ministry with those who are unable to worship with us in person on Sunday mornings. The clergy of the parish will continue their sacramental visits to those who are sick, in assisted living, hospitalized, or are temporarily or permanently homebound. Eucharistic Visitors augment the ministry of the clergy in these situations, so that we stay connected and share together the caring for ‘young and old alike.’ Eucharistic Visitors are discharged during the liturgy on Sunday mornings with the blessing of the congregation and carry out their visits that Sunday. Volunteers serve on a schedule as often as they are able and would like to serve.
The Flower Guild arranges flowers for each Sunday Mass as well as for special liturgies and parish events during the year. Like the Altar Guild, the Flower Guild is arranged into teams of 2-3 members each serving one weekend a month. The guild is open to all teenagers and adults of the parish. Training is provided so it’s absolutely fine if you have never arranged flowers before. Each team sets its own schedule, meeting to arrange flowers usually on Friday or Saturday. Visitors are always welcome to come one weekend to observe and see if this ministry may be something you’d enjoy joining.
Greeters are a group of parishioners whose ministry is primarily focused on welcoming all to church on Sunday mornings and engaging with potential new members of our parish. Greeters are usually the first person someone sees when they arrive at church, and they are also the first contact a visitor has with the parish. St Benedict said that when you welcome the visitor, you are welcoming Christ Himself. In that same spirit this vital ministry is about fostering that spirit of radical hospitality. Greeters usually serve one Sunday a month at either the early or later Mass. When welcoming a first-time visitor, Greeters assist them in finding their way around, meeting one or two others in the parish, as well as presenting them with a welcome packet. This is one of our most important ministries for evangelism and growth.
Lectors read the lessons – the Word of God – at our Sunday and weekday liturgies. Being a reader is more than just fulfilling a task. At its best, being a Lector is a calling, vocation, and a spiritual discipline. Reading is a commitment to effective sharing of Scripture so that we all may hear, read, learn, and inwardly digest the very Word of God. This is one of the best ways to get involved in the parish, as the time commitment is light. The schedule is online, so each member signs up for the Sundays they can serve.
Our 10.30 am Sunday Mass is streamed live each week. Each Sunday, two volunteers are needed for sound and video streaming of our liturgy. Volunteers serve once a month, or more often if they wish. The set up looks complicated, but the software does most of the work and training is provided for those new to the livestream ministry team. All are welcome, including high school youth!
The subdeacon, deacon, and celebrant are known as the Sacred Ministers at Mass. They serve at the altar as one, a visible sign of the ministry that every Christian—lay and ordained—shares. The subdeacon represents the lay people of the parish and assist the celebrant at the altar during Mass. St Columba’s has a growing number of subdeacons and we need more volunteers. Adults and high school teenagers are invited to join the guild of subdeacons (and, as is the case with all of our worship ministries, no previous experience is necessary – we’ll provide full training).
Our guild of Ushers make up a crucial part of worship because they provide one of the most visible and essential ministries in the parish. The usher ministry can be summed up quite simply: ushers are tasked with making people feel welcome at church. They are the primary ministers of welcome, along with the Greeters, and assist parishioners in finding their way to a pew prior to worship, providing each person with a bulletin, guiding people forward for receiving Communion, passing the collection plate, and tallying the collection after Mass. Ushers also are attentive to any special needs someone may have during worship and responding if anyone falls ill during church. Ushers serve on teams of 4-8 and serve one Sunday a month. Training is provided, and this ministry is open to all adults (women and men) as well as high school teenagers.