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Kirkin' of the Tartans

St Columba's will hold a "Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans” on Sunday, December 1.
“Kirk” is the Scottish word for “church.” The “Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans” is the presentation of a Scottish clan or family’s tartan at church for a blessing and is generally considered a rededication to God’s service.We're coordinating with St Andrews Society to bring the Scottish clan banners to St Columba's. If you forward the name of your Scottish family clan, we'll try matching with the available banners at St Andrews Society. There might be an opportunity for members of the congregation to carry a banner in and out of the church during the Kirkin’. See the weekly e-newsletter, “The Parish Post,” for the link to submit your name and to volunteer (if needed) to carry a banner. Please submit your name no later than Sunday, November 17. On Sunday, December 1, wear or hold a piece of your tartan at church for a blessing.

November 6

All Souls Requiem Mass

December 4

Behind the Tinsel: the Spirituality of Christmas