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Maundy Thursday Vigil

Maundy Thursday Vigil Watch

Maundy Thursday, April 17th 9pm - Good Friday, 18th April 11:45 am

Traditionally, the faithful have kept a constant prayer vigil, or "watch," at the Altar of Repose from the conclusion of the Maundy Thursday Mass until the start of the Good Friday Liturgy. Recalling Jesus' request of the disciples, "will you stay and watch with me even one hour," we keep a prayer vigil before the Blessed Sacrament. It's an incredibly moving experience and everyone is invited to keep watch. A deputy sheriff is on duty throughout the night as parishioners come and go from 9pm Maundy Thursday through 12 noon on Good Friday. All are invited to sit, keep watch, and pray: this experience is an incredible way to deepen your Easter joy. Volunteers can sign up using the link found in the weekly Parish Post; however, no sign up is required. A sign up just helps us have each of the hours covered.

March 23

Fish & Chips Gala

April 17

The Sacred Triduum