Join us for the traditional Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. On the eve of our season of Lent, churches around the world gather to bid farewell to our alleluias and prepare for our forty-day journey of penance, fasting, and prayer. The night before Ash Wednesday it has become a tradition to gather for a festive meal, usually a pancake supper with a Mardi Gras flare.
The Youth Group partners with our Knights of Columba to make a delicious pancake supper with all the trimmings. There will be bingo, pancake races, and more. At the end of the evening, we'll burn the palms from last year to make the ashes for our Ash Wednesday liturgy. Don't forget to drop off your palms from last year’s Palm Sunday on the Sundays in February, or you can bring them with you when you come for the Pancake Supper. All are welcome!